I Believe in Unicorns Wallpaper Pink Holden 12480 This I Believe In Unicorns Wallpaper will add a touch of magic to your little one’s bedroom or playroom. The beautiful design features unicorns, clouds, castles and rainbows in pretty muted tones on a soft pink background, with subtle glitter highlights for added effect. Easy to apply, this high quality wallpaper would look great when used to create a stylish feature wall or to decorate an entire room. A magical unicorn themed wallpaper Features subtle glitter highlights Perfect for bedrooms and playrooms 10m (32.8ft) long x 53cm (21in) wide 53cm pattern repeat 26.5cm offset pattern match High quality wallpaper Easy to apply Paste the paper wallpaper Washable Main colour: Pink
Brand: Holden Décor
Delivery: 3-5 Days